Nadine Yammine

Allie Campbell

Registered Midwife

For more information and to book your appointment, contact us at +1 (345) 745-7450

Nadine Yammine

About Allie

Allie is a registered Midwife in both Cayman and the UK. She provides holistic and autonomous care for low-risk women and their families during pregnancy and postpartum in clinic. Allie also offers prenatal and postnatal care in the community with packages that include – preparation for birth, birth planning and preferences, colostrum harvesting, postpartum midwifery care and lactation/breastfeeding support.

Read more about Allie’s education and experience

For more information and to book your appointment, contact us at +1 (345) 745-7450

Allie Campbell’s Community Midwifery Services in the Cayman Islands

Please scroll through for information on each.

You can buy the antenatal package, the postnatal package or a combined package.
For more information, please get in touch by calling us at (345) 745-7450

Low Risk Maternity Care

Book an appointment to see our Midwife, Allie at Integra if you think you are eligible for low-risk maternity care. She will be your main care provider throughout your pregnancy journey and provide you with excellent, knowledgeable and compassionate care. Based on the UK NHS guidelines she will see you at appropriate time intervals, assessing you and your baby’s health at every appointment. If any complications arise throughout your pregnancy, rest assured Allie works seamlessly with the multidisciplinary team at Integra. The correct referral will be actioned immediately giving you the reassurance you need.

Call Allie today to have all your questions answered and have a conversation about what the midwifery care pathway looks like.

Allie’s Education, Training & Experience

Allie started her career in maternity care as a birth doula over a decade ago in Cayman. She gained certification with DONA International and enjoyed helping Cayman mothers and their families prepare for a positive and fulfilling birth experience and postpartum period. This career change opened her eyes to the world of pregnancy, birth and beyond and it wasn’t long before she travelled back to the UK to obtain her First Class Honours Degree in Midwifery at Kings College, London. She was able combine her skills as a doula and registered midwife in a busy NHS Trust Hospital gaining valuable experience on the delivery suite, postnatal ward, antenatal clinic and in the community.
Allie is currently studying to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, the highest credential in the field of lactation. She will provide expert breastfeeding and lactation care and continue to work with families to help meet their infant feeding goals.

Allie recognises birth and all that comes with it as a huge transition for families. She is passionate about supporting families as a registered midwife in Cayman at Integra Healthcare through this pivotal time with evidence-based resources and information and with compassion and sensitivity.

For more information and to book your appointment, contact us at +1 (345) 745-7450