Team Matters

“as you’d expect”

It’s long been recognised that Team Matters. We have built some of our most important principles of care around this and we’d like to illustrate just how much it matters through the scenario of pregnancy, where it REALLY matters.

The Integra Pregnancy Team

Tertiary-level TEAM

All medical staff are highly experienced, tertiary-level senior consultants

Unique Pregnancy TEAM

The only combined tertiary obstetric-fetal-neonatal team in the Cayman Islands

Always There For You

Multiple obstetricians & multiple paediatricians means we are ALWAYS there



Dr Madhavi Manoharan

Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

I am Dr Madhavi, one of our OBGYNs. I was a consultant in the prestigious Royal Free Hospital in London, as well as an assistant professor at the world-renowned Weil Cornell Medicine, located in their Qatar campus, part of Cornell University. I am accredited in Fetal-Maternal Medicine and so an integral part of our high risk pregnancy team.

Allie Campbell


I am Midwife Allie, supporting Madhavi but more importantly supporting our Mums and Mums-to-be. I am passionate about women receiving the right support and all Integra Mums get an enhanced package of support included in their pregnancy care. I am always available to answer questions, help you make birth choices and be ready.

Dr Sarah Newton

Specialist General & Newborn Paediatrician

I am Dr Sarah, also part of our paediatric & newborn team, also attending deliveries and supporting my colleagues. I have a special interest in more complex diseases and work closely with the team to ensure we apply a multidisciplinary approach to care to create the best outcome. I am also passionate about parental education and helping parents understand how to face a new newborn!


Team Matters in Normal Pregnancies

Team is always an important concept in pregnancies because pregnancy, birth and beyond is ALWAYS going to involve obstetrics, midwifery and then paediatrics. According to Johns Hopkins University, nearly 10% of all pregnancies involve complications that could harm mum, baby or both. The challenge is that a proportion of those are urgent and unexpected and when they happen, team REALLY matters.



Team Matters Even More in High Risk Pregnancies

With individuals waiting longer to have a baby, fertility issues, increasing rates of underlying health risks like weight or diabetes and more, many more pregnancies are higher risk than people think. It’s important to know this, so that your pregnancy is monitored and managed with this in mind. This becomes especially important around birth. Integra is unique in having access to accredited fetal-maternal medicine (Dr Madhavi). When we identify problems early, this deeper, specialist level of expertise is important in going through pregnancy with our eyes fully open and planning for any issues we might expect around birth. The constant communication between obstetrics, fetal medicine and neonatal medicine is a vital part of achieving a safe outcome.




Team Really Matters in Newborn Complications

Complications can include early delivery (preterms), congenital problems and abnormalities, genetic conditions and more. However, many occur in the moment, such as chord getting wrapped around babies neck. These types of complications are not only life-threatening, but the rapid intervention of a neonatologist with the right skills can mean the difference between a normal outcome versus life-long severe disability or brain damage. Communication between obstetric and neonatal consultants is a critical component of that, where fluid cooperation in a team that knows each other is a big deal.


Advantages of the Integra Comprehensive Team

 You know you’ll be having a female Integra OBGYN regardless

 3 Paediatricians means exceptional cover

 Seamless coordination, communication & handover is standard

 All medical team members live within 5 minutes of the hospital

 All disciplines under one roof, with new Women’s Health Suite

 Only Obstetrics, Fetal Medicine, Midwifery & Neonatology Team


5 Benefits of Interprofessional Collaboration

The benefits of a multidisciplinary approach are recognised across medicine


1. Improved Patient Care & Outcomes

The benefits of multiple inputs or viewpoints to complex cases are well-established and in many countries complex care always goes through an organised MDT (multidisciplinary team) process.

2. Reduce Medical Errors

Communication is the number 1 cause of medical errors globally and so the benefits of having a team used to actively and constantly communicating is huge. No competition, no egos, just care.

3. Earlier Treatment & Decisions

With pregnancy complications or concerns being quite frequent, having immediate access to further services or opinions e.g. fetal medicine, results in faster decisions and less uncertainty.

4. Improved Efficiency

The convenience and efficiency that comes from having all services under one roof cannot be overstated. You can plan your birth with both your obstetrician and your paediatrician, resulting in a clearer understanding with less room for error.

5. Improved Openness & Communication

There’s a reason why emergency teams get trained as a team, from airlines to ERs to theatres – openness and communication matter. Teams perform optimally when they know, trust and & understand each other.


The benefits of seamless teamwork and a multidisciplinary approach aren’t just opinion. They have been studied in depth and the conclusion is completely consistent – Team Matter.


Team is Important

Great teams produce great outcomes and that’s important across the majority of Women’s Health but particularly in pregnancies and especially higher-risk pregnancies.

That safe, successful outcome is a function of the right skills, expertise and experience when you need them most, focused on both Mum and Baby, with seamless communication and coordination between care professionals.

Having that whole team in Integra means a true multidisciplinary approach to managing even the most difficult of scenarios. Dr Madhavi and Dr Hole, collectively, have more than 30 years experience at consultant level in caring for Mum & Baby, earned in tertiary centres in the UK. That’s a unique combination devoted to your successful care.