Psoriasis Care & Services

Our team of senior, tertiary dermatologists are passionate about identifying psoriasis and providing evidence-based, personalised psoriasis care.

Psoriasis is a relatively common chronic inflammatory skin condition that can be particularly distressing to patients. It manifests itself different from person to person and our team are passionate about finding the right solution for each individual and their sometimes-unique expression of this condition.


Why choose our team?

Highly Experienced in Inflammatory & Immunology Skin Problems

Dedicated Dermatology Team with Latest Diagnostic Equipment

Highly experienced, Tertiary Consultant Dermatologists & Dermatosurgeon

Risk Factors for Psoriasis

Any one of us can develop psoriasis.  In fact, a third of cases begin in the paediatric years.  Psoriasis can be triggered or exacerbated by environmental components such as dryness and humidity.  Psoriasis can run in families, so having one parent with psoriasis can increase your risk of getting it but does not necessarily mean you will develop psoriasis.  Stress is also a factor that can impact your immune system, so very high levels of stress can increase your chances of developing it.  Smoking can increase your risk too and can make the severity of the disease worse.  If you have any concerns or have noticed any symptoms, it is worth making an appointment to see either Dr Alison Duncan or Dr Davide Altamura.


Psoriasis Care & Monitoring

Besides direct psoriasis care and attention to symptoms, we also recognize that symptom severity can vary from time to time and can progress at different stages.  Our psoriasis team will discuss with you what might constitute an appropriate monitoring and follow up plan, suited to your everyday life and balancing self-management with time at the doctors!


What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own skin cells. This causes them to multiply at an unusually high rate, which leads to a rapid build-up of skin cells. During a psoriasis flare-up, affected patches of skin will become dry, red, flaky, and scaly. It may also be sore and itchy.

The severity of psoriasis varies a lot from person to person; for some, psoriasis is nothing more than an occasional irritation whereas, for others, the disorder significantly affects their quality of life. Psoriasis is a chronic (i.e., long-lasting) condition. Patients will often have long periods where their symptoms are mild or non-existent, followed by flare-ups of far more severe symptoms.

Currently, there is no cure for psoriasis, however, there are a wide variety of treatments available to soothe symptoms and help patients to effectively manage the condition.  Psoriasis can sometimes affect your emotional health, relationships and how you handle stress, so our doctors will be able to give you the psoriasis care guidance you need to manage life with psoriasis.  Often identifying and managing key triggers plays an important role.

Psoriasis Care & Services

Our team of senior, tertiary dermatologists are extremely passionate about identifying psoriasis and have a wealth of experience in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, therefore providing the right care and treatment to help you manage your psoriasis.

As psoriasis is a chronic condition, treatment is usually focused on improving the symptoms. Many people find that their symptoms flare up in response to certain triggers, so identifying those triggers can be key for managing the condition.

Additionally, both Dr Alison Duncan, Adult & Paediatric Dermatologist and Dr Davide Altamura, Dermatologist and Dermatosurgeon have expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis and are highly experienced in all aspects of skin care.  They will also want to evaluate the more holistic approaches that may be useful.  These can include certain lifestyle changes, some of which aggravate psoriasis.

  • Avoiding or limiting alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Stress management
  • Eating a healthy diet

The most important factor for us is to recognise that every patient is different. Our team of dermatologists will firstly confirm a diagnosis of psoriasis, and then discuss your symptoms before determining which of the various treatment options and psoriasis care is best suited to your needs and lifestyle.

Common Symptoms of Psoriasis

Common Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis symptoms usually start to show up between the ages of 15 and 25 but, in around one third of cases, the condition first develops in childhood.  Children with psoriasis usually have similar symptoms to adults, which include:

  • Raised, red patches of skin that may have silvery-white scales (in babies, this may be mistaken for diaper-rash)
  • Dry, cracked skin that may bleed
  • Itchy, sore, or burning patches of skin
  • Red patches in skin folds (such as around the elbows and knees)
  • Thick, pitted nails; ridged nails; yellowed or thickened nails; detachment of the nail form the nail bed

In children however, psoriasis usually first appears on the scalp. The most common type of psoriasis (plaque psoriasis) can show up anywhere on the body, but is usually seen on the:

  • Knees
  • Scalp
  • Elbows
  • Torso

If you think you or your child may have psoriasis, or are concerned about the appearance of your skin, or patches are spreading or if your psoriasis is associated with joint problems such as pain, swelling or stiffness or inability to perform daily tasks, then it is well worth a visit to see one of our dermatologists.

Dr Davide Altamura

Dr Davide Altamura

Consultant Dermatologist & Dermatosurgeon
MD Dermato-Surgery

Dr Davide Altamura is a highly experienced general and specialist consultant dermatologist and dermatology surgeon, with a special interest, awards and multiple publications in the field of skin cancer and in particular Dermoscopy and the identification of both malignant and benign skin lesions.


  • Adult & Paediatric Dermatology
  • Skin Cancer Screening & Management
  • Expert Dermoscopy Services
  • Dermatology Surgery, Procedures & Biopsies
  • Management of Acute & Chronic Conditions
Dr Alison Duncan

Dr Alison Duncan

Consultant Adult & Paediatric Dermatologist
Tel.: +1 (345) 745 7450 (clinic)

Dr Alison Duncan is a highly experienced dermatologist with more than 12 years at consultant-level, including 7 years at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, a highly respected university service. She has considerable experience of skin issues related to darker skin pigments and an interest in skin cancer.


  • Adult & Paediatric Dermatology
  • Skin Cancer Screening & Management
  • Allergic, Autoimmune & Other Skin Conditions
  • Procedures, Biopsies & Cryotherapy
  • Genital or Vulval Skin Conditions

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